


由于马里兰州最近改变了一项法律,禁止大学在逾期付款之前扣留成绩单, 澳门十大赌城官方网站将恢复对未付款学生的注销程序. 如果学生在一个学期内没有支付欠FSU的账户余额,学生的课程安排将被取消.


It is the shared responsibility of students, 教师, 工作人员和行政人员确保学生成功履行对FSU的经济义务. FSU will provide clear and reasonable payment requirements and timelines, 针对复杂的财务决策提供有针对性的沟通和帮助,以确保学生不会获得不必要的债务,并自由地在学业上取得成功.

请注意,任何学生遇到一个不寻常的经济情况应该联系 财政援助办事处 to discuss aid options. 任何在学期截止日期前遇到困难的学生都应该联系学校 计费的办公室 for information on payment options (payment plan options listed below). 


Spring 2024 Process Timeline

Additional due date email reminder sent
Automated reminder calls to students
Payment deadline for Spring 2024
$50 late fee added to unpaid spring bills
计费的办公室 begins reaching out to student slated for deregistration
Remaining unpaid students Dropped from Spring 2024 classes
Deregistration begins for students registering Jan. 20-Feb. 3

What To Do If You Have Been Deregistered

If a student finds that they have been deregistered, 当务之急是迅速采取行动,安排付款并重新注册课程. Once students can re-register for spring classes, 他们将需要访问paws -学生中心调度助理,并确保完成注册流程. If desired classes are no longer available, 学生应该联系他们的大学顾问或教师导师,帮助他们找到可行的课程. 

If a student has been deregistered for non-payment and plan to attend FSU, they should contact the Registrar’s Office within 24 hours. 决定不参加的学生也应该与账单和财政援助办公室联系,以确保金额清楚.


FSU’s 4-month payment plan is available through a student’s 爪子 account. The first payment is due by the due date, Jan. 2, and then subsequent payments are due on Feb. 1, March 1, and April 1. The cost to enroll in the payment plan is $45 and no interest is assessed.  Students may enroll in the spring payment plan through Feb. 13; however, 他们将被要求支付45美元的注册费和前两笔费用以赶上进度.  The remaining payment dates do not change. 

  1. 进口计划: The budget is determined by the amount due in the 爪子 system, not including any anticipated financial aid showing on the FSU bill. The amount is automatically adjusted based on changes to FSU charges, 财政援助发放, and financial aid adjustments.
  2. 用户自定义计划: The budget is defined by the user. 该计划旨在允许用户减去FSU账单上列出的预期经济援助或其他未显示在FSU账单上的援助(如.e., DC Tag, Veterans benefits, 529 plans, employer assistance). The student must provide proof of any aid not showing on the FSU bill.  The user must make changes to the budget if anything changes.
  3. 管理计划: 有经济援助和/或第三方付款的学生至少可以支付总账单的一半,可以要求由计费办公室注册行政支付计划. 学生必须从他们的FSU电子邮件帐户发送书面请求,要求参加行政支付计划. 电子邮件请求中包含付款计划的总金额,并确认他们将需要通过爪子支付45美元的注册费才能完成计划的注册. 学生将收到来自计费办公室的电子邮件,通知他们付款计划已经设置,并且他们需要支付注册费. 

参加上述计划中的任何一个计划都是一个学期的四付付款计划(仅限秋季或春季)。. 注册费用为每学期45美元,每学期最低940美元. 注册费用需要在计划设置时支付(必须通过学生的爪子账户在线支付),支付基于以下截止日期:

  • 秋季截止日期:8月. 1、9月. 10月1日. 1、11月. 1
  • 春季到期日:1月11日. 1、2月. 1, March 1, and April 1

在第一个到期日之后注册需要支付注册费和第一次付款.  在第二个到期日之后注册需要支付注册费和前两次付款. 

How to Avoid Being Deregistered for FALL 2024

  1. Complete the FY 25 FAFSA form after December 2023.
  2. Complete the FY 25 FSU 基金会 scholarship application after December 20, 2023.To apply for a 基金会 Scholarship by the priority deadline of March 1st,浏览 FSU Scholarship website.
  3. 定期检查FSU电子邮件帐户和爪子的电子账单通知,保留和待办事项列表项.
  4. 完成所有FAFSA验证请求,并在定期账单截止日期之前与财务援助部门确认所有所需的贷款都已被完全接受.
  5. 享有退伍军人福利的学生应与Clarissa Lang一起填写退伍军人事务部延期表格,以便通知账单收到的福利.
  6. 获得外部奖学金的学生应在账单截止日期之前将其奖励通知副本发送给大学账单和财政援助.
  7. 在学期账单截止日期之前,支付预期经济援助/外部资源未涵盖的剩余余额,或与大学账单办公室建立正式的付款计划.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: What are a student’s obligations as part of the FSU Residence Hall contract?
答:该合同是申请人在FSU注册为学生期间的独家住宅使用空间. 没有课程表的学生不是FSU的注册学生,并将在学期加/退期结束后24小时内搬出房间, unless other arrangements have been made with the Director of 居住生活. In the event that items are left in student rooms after 24 hours, the student will incur a daily rate for storage of items. Items may only be stored for 30 days before they will be discarded. For more information, contact the 居住生活 Office at 301-687-4121 or RLO@somnioresearch.com

A: The student and/or guarantor is responsible for the full amount of room charges. 房费不予退还,除非在某些特殊情况下,必须得到住宿生活主任的书面批准. According to FSU’s refund policy, 每个注册期(包括夏季课程)结束后,房费不予退还.

Q: Is there a way to change my room charge or meal plan for Spring?
A: If you want to change you room to one that is less expensive, you can log into the Housing Portal on the 居住生活 webpage and fill out the room change request. RLO will contact you for more information and to let you know your options. If you want to change your meal plan you can email billing@somnioresearch.com and let them know which plan you would like. Spring 2024 Room and board prices

Q: How do I know if I have enough financial aid?
答:访问 FSU's 金融援助 website for information on qualifying for, applying for and managing your financial aid. 

Q: Do I keep my spot in my classes after being dropped for non-payment?
答:没有, your course registrations are canceled entirely, and the seats are made available to other students. After arranging payment and clearing your registration hold, you will need to re-register depending on course availability at that time. 

Q: How do I apply for scholarships?
A:参观 FSU Scholarship website to apply for FSU scholarships. All scholarships are awarded bases on the availability of funds. For best consideration, submit a scholarship application annually. 如果你在本学年获得奖学金,并认为你应该在下一学年再次获得奖学金, be sure to apply again. Renewable scholarships may not be awarded to students who have not applied. You can also visit the FSU奖学金页面 for additional opportunities. These scholarships consider academic talents, financial need and other factors to make award determinations.