Professional Organizations


Alpha Phi Omega   |    Sigma 
Sigma     |    

的 concertThe Professional Fraternity Association (PFA) is the governing body to our professional Greek chapters. Professional fraternities formed due to rapid growth among all types of fraternities during the late 1920s. Since PFA groups are discipline-specific, members join while pursuing graduate (law, medicine, etc.)学位 as well as undergraduate (business, engineering, etc.)学位, but membership requirements of the PFA are not always this way so check with each chapter specifically. PFA groups seek to develop their members professionally in addition to the social development commonly associated with general fraternities.

Alpha Phi Omega crest

Alpha Phi Omega is a National Coeducational Service Fraternity founded on the cardinal principles of 领导,友谊, 和服务. Alpha Phi Omega provides its members the opportunity to develop 领导 skills as they provide service to their campus, to youth 和 the community, 献给国家, 和 to members of the Fraternity.

The basis of the Fraternities brotherhood comes from a foundation of shared beliefs, 经历, 和 an underst和ing of our fraternal history 和 goals.

Their purpose is to develop 领导, to promote friendship 和 to provide service to humanity.

Elimination of Prejudice Walk

昵称:  7月

颜色: Royal Blue 和 Old Glory Gold

花: 勿忘我

宝石: 钻石

使命: Be a leader, Be a friend, Be of Service

慈善事业: National Service Week - in the first full week of November 和 the Global Spring Youth Service Day in April

合作伙伴:   Boy Scouts of AmericaGirl Scouts of the United States of AmericaAmerican Cancer SocietyAmerica's Promise AllianceYouth Service America

建立: 1925

在FSU包租: 1993

总统: 玛丽莎·托马斯。

顾问:   Patrick O ' brien 




Sigma is a professional co-ed fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, 社会活动, 和 the association of students for their mutual advancement by research 和 practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world 和 students of commerce, 和 to further a higher st和ard of commercial ethics 和 culture 和 the civic 和 commercial welfare of the community.

昵称:  DSP

颜色:  Royal Purple 和 Old Gold

花: 红玫瑰

慈善事业: Make a Difference Day, Ronald McDonald House, 献血活动, Provincial Initiative: Northeast- American Cancer Society

建立: 1907年11月7日

在FSU包租: 二零零七年四月二十一日

总统: Javon Blackmon

顾问:  阿里阿什拉夫




Sigma is a co-ed 领导 fraternity founded at State Teachers College at Warrensburg - now known as the University of Central Missouri, for the purpose of fostering the ideals of scholarship, 领导, 和奖学金.

昵称:  Sigma

颜色: 紫色和金色

吉祥物: 猫头鹰

座右铭: Discover Your Potential

慈善事业: Organizations that support under-served schools, members who serve as educators, local school systems, Hugh O'Brien Youth 领导

建立: 1916年2月14日

在FSU包租: 2016年4月19日

总统:  莎拉·查普曼

顾问:   波林Pascariello




的 is an all-male fraternity founded for the purpose of the development of the best 和 truest fraternal spirit; the mutual welfare spirit; the mutual welfare 和 brotherhood of musical students; the advancement of music in America 和 loyalty to the alma mater.

昵称: “PMA”、“Sinfonians”

颜色: Red, Black, 和 Gold

花: 菊花

座右铭: 《澳门赌城官方网站》

慈善事业:  米尔斯音乐使命音乐才能

建立: 1898年10月6日

在FSU包租: 1966年4月1日

总统:  狄龙Redwine

顾问:   达雷尔·拉什顿 和  斯科特·里克

Contact Fraternity 和 Sorority Life


Assistant Director, Organizations 和 社区 Programming

Frostburg State University
Office of 澳门十大赌城官方网站
209 Lane University Center
电话: 301-687-7398
传真: 301-687-7049

