

For the quickest response to any ongoing computer security incidents, 请致电FSU IT服务台(x7777), 校外 301.687.7777),并提供详细资料及联络资料.


澳门十大赌城官方网站将会 从来没有 ask you to provide personal information or a password via email and you should be immediately suspicious of any email that asks you for such information. 这种类型的电子邮件攻击被称为网络钓鱼.

If you mistakenly responded to a fraudulent email, you must immediately change your email password. 这可以在任何时候在线使用澳门十大赌城官方网站密码管理 工具或联系FSU IT帮助台.

在未来, if you receive an email that you think is ‘phishing’ for personal information and states that it is from 澳门十大赌城官方网站, 请将邮件作为附件转发至 helpdesk@somnioresearch.com.






The strength of a password depends on the different types of characters that you use, 密码的总长度, 以及密码是否可以在字典中找到. 了解更多关于 密码管理 在前苏联. 检查密码的强度 卡巴斯基安全密码检查器.


Be sure to backup important information to help ensure that you don't lose your files and data. The easiest way to do this is to 商店 your personal or university-related information on Microsoft OneDrive storage. The beauty of OneDrive is that it is accessible from anywhere you have an Internet connection. 你可以在Mac或Windows电脑上访问它. You can even access it on your SmartPhone with the OneDrive Business App. Currently maximum space is 1 TB per person, but Microsoft is working on making it unlimited. This drive space is available to you as long as you are a 澳门十大赌城官方网站 教师, 工作人员, 或学生! 参观 Office 365 页或 网络存储 浏览更多详情.


离开电脑的时候(休息、午餐、洗手间等).),锁好电脑. In most cases you can simply hit the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys, followed by hitting ENTER. This action will lock your computer and require you to type in your password when you return.


We strongly recommend that you update your operating system on a regular basis with the latest security patches, 更新, 和司机. This will ensure that your computer is up-to-date and will help keep your computer free from viruses and other security threats.


Most of us will occasionally have to use a public or shared computer for one reason or another. 不管你的理由是什么, using public computers will always carry an inherent risk of exposing your personal data. Here are some things you can do to protect yourself and lessen that risk.

  1. 删除浏览记录
  2. 不要在本地保存文件
  3. 不要保存密码
  4. 不要使用网上银行或输入信用卡信息
  5. 删除临时文件
  6. 记得注销
  7. 注意你周围的环境,运用常识


Whether on a FSU workstation or on a personally owned computer or device, it is important to protect your personal information from those who’d like nothing better than to steal your identity and cause you harm. Here are a few simple ways to help you protect your personal information.

  1. 为你的设备使用密码. 如果你丢了智能手机, would the person who found it be able to access the information on it? 这是一个可怕的场景. 丢了智能手机是一回事, but giving the finder access to everything from your email and social media accounts to all the personal information you may have 商店d on the device could play havoc with your life. Make sure to use a passcode to help keep your apps, accounts, and personal information protected. 你的笔记本电脑甚至台式电脑也要这样做吗.
  2. 为您的在线帐户创建强大而独特的密码. If you have an online account with a company that suffered a data breach, 在理想的情况下, 那一个客户是你唯一关心的. 但是如果您在其他帐户上使用相同的登录凭据, then that single breach incident could give hackers access to your other accounts, 也. That’s why it makes sense to use a unique password for each of your online accounts. If you have way too many sets of online credentials to commit to memory, 考虑使用密码管理器来跟踪这些密码, 独特的密码.
  3. 警惕不安全的公共Wi-Fi. 一分钱一分货,对吧? 餐厅提供免费公共wifi, 商店, 或者机场方便, 但是在安全方面, 大多数免费的公共Wi-Fi网络提供的服务并不多. 这意味着, 使用正确的工具, anyone else on the same Wi-Fi network could be “eavesdropping” on your online activity. 考虑到, would you want to log in to your bank account or enter a credit card number while on public Wi-Fi? 答案是否定的! 保存交易,当你在一个安全的网络上. 如果您必须在公共Wi-Fi上登录或在线交易, 使用VPN(虚拟专用网), which encrypts your activity so that others on the same network can’t easily see what you’re doing.
  4. 关闭未使用帐户. 想想你在这段时间里开过的所有在线账户. 现在,考虑一下哪些仍然是开着的,但你从来没有使用过. 如果有涉及这些实体的漏洞, hackers may have access to whatever personal information is tied to that account. 旧的电子邮件帐户, 例如, could be holding any number of past bank statements and healthcare forms—and those documents may be filled with personal data that could lead to identity theft. Invest some time in identifying unused online accounts and, then, shutting them down. 你在网上储存的个人信息越少越好.


保护你在社交网络上的声誉. 记住,你在网上发布的内容会永远留在网上! Think twice before posting pictures you wouldn’t want your parents or future employers to see. Keep personal info personal- be cautious about how much personal information you provide on social networking sites. 你发布的信息越多, the easier it may be for a hacker or someone else to use that information to steal your identity, 访问你的数据或进行其他犯罪,如跟踪. 如果有人骚扰或威胁你, 把他们从你的好友列表中删除, 阻止它们并将它们报告给站点管理员.



  1. 拥有唯一的密码. The password that you choose should be strong and you must never use the same password for any other account.
  2. 不要分享你的密码. Whether you intend to share a single file or you want to share a bunch of folders, always share that via recommended sharing methods and never share your password with anyone.
  3. 明智地选择宿主. 使用信誉良好的 云服务 provider such as Microsoft, Google, or Amazon so you know that your data is secure.
  4. 加密您的数据. 如果你有生日照片或待办事项清单之类的文件, 那你就不用担心加密数据了. But if you are storing any sensitive information such as social security or credit card numbers, then it is a wise idea to encrypt the data before uploading that on the cloud. 这种加密将增加您的安全性, 如果有人拿到了它, 那么他们就无法访问这些数据.
  5. 除了上述的安全提示, it is also a wise idea that you understand the rules and policies of cloud storage providers. 如果可能的话, you should also choose two-step verification methods to increase the security of your sensitive information from unwanted people.



电话: 301.687.7777 x7777
地点: 吉拉中心123室
电子邮件: helpdesk@somnioresearch.com



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