

澳门十大赌城官方网站致力于道德招生实践. FSU不提供佣金, 奖金, or o的r incentives for securing enrollments to any persons or entities engaged in 学生 recruiting, 招生, 或者关于授予经济援助的决定, 包括为在军队服役的学生提供的联邦学费援助基金.

澳门十大赌城官方网站 refrains from high-pressure recruitment tactics through making multiple unsolicited contacts by phone, 电子邮件, 面对面, or same-day recruitment and registration events for 的 purpose of securing military-serving enrollments.


If you are a military-serving individual considering federal 学费 Assistance from your active duty, 储备, 或者国民警卫队, please ensure that you speak with your unit's Educational Services Officer (ESO) prior to enrolling at 澳门十大赌城官方网站. Your ESO will be able to assist you with understanding your potential benefits and 的 typical enrollment process.


的 退伍军人服务 Center at 澳门十大赌城官方网站 works collaboratively with campus stakeholders to ensure 学生-veterans and military-serving 学生s have access to important 金融援助 information. 同时也要了解出席的全部费用,包括 学杂费, 的 Director of 金融援助, Travis Hitchins (301-687-4799 and tjhitchins@somnioresearch.com)是现役军人学生的直接联络点. His expertise in federal 学生 aid and providing leadership to a team of 金融援助 counselors will ensure military-serving members will be able to maximize 的ir 金融援助 资源 to assist in obtaining 的ir degree.


现在和未来的军人可以连接到 金融援助 通过澳门十大赌城官方网站的FSU网站,电子邮件fsufinaid@frostburg获取资源.或致电301-687-4301,或到澳门十大赌城官方网站位于普伦大厅入口处的办公室. 的 财政援助网站 提供有关援助类型的广泛信息, 如何获得资格并申请资助, 以及如何在你作为学生的整个经历中管理你的援助.


Frostburg州的 当前违约率 is 6.6%. A default rate is 的 percentage of a school's borrowers who entered loan repayment during a specific year and 的n defaulted on that loan prior to 的 end of 的 next fiscal year. 如果学生拖欠贷款, 那么这个学生就拖欠了270多天的贷款. 目前,全国同类贷款的平均违约率为9%.7%.


Information regarding 学费 Assistance refunds can be found in 的 "Expenses" section of our undergraduate and graduate 学术目录. If you are using 学费 Assistance (TA) to pay for your education and drop or withdraw from a course prior to completing 60 percent of 的 course, 的 Department of Defense requires that FSU return any unearned TA funds to 的 department based on how much of 的 course you completed and that you pay a portion of those returned funds. You may owe a portion of your tuition to FSU and a portion to your military branch. 在放弃或退出一门课程之前, please contact your military education counselor or education services officer to determine how it could impact your military 学费 Assistance and potential repayment obligations. If you withdrew due to a military service obligation, you may be eligible for an exception. Contact 的 退伍军人服务 Office and provide a copy of 的 military orders to complete a withdraw form. If it is approved, you will not be responsible for 的 FSU portion of 的 returned funds.

Your earned TA is determined based on 的 following formula: 的 Percentage of TA Earned equals 的 Days Completed Before Drop, 撤军, 或最后一次参与除以课程总天数.

Please note: If you officially or unofficially withdraw from a course and did not complete at least 60 percent of 的 course, you may not be eligible for 的 total amount initially awarded through 学费 Assistance. In cases where some or all of 的 学费 Assistance must be returned to 的 military, 您将对您的爪子学生账户上的所有余额负责. 请参阅 FSU退课政策.


澳门十大赌城官方网站有 accreditation as an authorized institution of higher education through 的 中部州高等教育委员会. Several programs of study have additional accreditation standards to validate degrees based on national standards. 这些程序在澳门十大赌城官方网站认证机构 网页.  


澳门十大赌城官方网站有 several programs of study which require professional licensure or certification 在相应的研究领域工作. More specific information regarding 的 professional licensure or certification process is available through 的 specific programs of study academic departments and are included as part of 的 introductory coursework.


澳门十大赌城官方网站提供了详细的 8-semester计划 所有本科专业. 研究生课程的详细教育计划通过 研究生课程 网站, 研究生学术目录,以及具体的学术课程网页.   


澳门十大赌城官方网站 provides extensive information regarding 的 入学 of 转学, 转移的政策, 接受转学分, 和军事学分的审查 本科学术目录. 有关转学分审查的具体信息可在澳门十大赌城官方网站转学 网页及详细资料 转让协议 与其他学院和大学也提供. 


澳门十大赌城官方网站 and 的 Division of 学生事务 is committed to excellent service to 学生-veterans and military-serving 学生s. 像这样, 退伍军人服务中心主任, Clarissa Lang serves as 的 point of contact (POC) for this important population of 学生s and families. 前苏联的 退伍军人中心 作为校内支持中心, 资源, 澳门十大赌城官方网站的学生退伍军人和在军队服役的学生的参与. Ms. 联系电话:301-687-4409,vets@frostburg.或前往公园大道150号的退伍军人中心. 克拉丽莎会为你提供有关学术咨询的信息, 金融援助, 职业服务, 以及其他机构支持项目.


If you previously were admitted and attended 的 University but did not earn a degree and have been absent for one semester or more, 你必须提交重新入学申请. 请与招生办公室联系 再入学申请表. Students who left on academic probation or suspension are required to submit an essay. 联系招生办公室了解更多信息. 此外,FSU遵循美国的规定.S. 武装部队成员和家属概述在联邦学生援助手册 (第二卷第三章).

A 学生 被召去服现役的 during a national or international crisis or conflict should inform 的 University of 的 reason for his/her withdrawal prior to leaving, 包括提交适当的军事命令副本, in order to benefit from special policies and procedures governing interruption of one’s academic career for such military service. 请与下列任何一间办事处联络. 的 designated contact person in each office will assist in facilitating your withdrawal and will contact o的r offices to ensure that special exemptions concerning refunds and W or I grades are applied:


